An easy way for your team to record CPD activities and digital credentials

Organisers of CPD activities can quickly create an event listing from the SimpleCPD web console. 

Simply add the event details, number of claimable hours and digital credentials, plus any supporting documentation.

Generate a SimpleCPD QR code for your event

Once the event has been created, organisers can generate and download a unique SimpleCPD QR code poster for the event. 

At the event, attendees use the SimpleCPD app to scan the QR code and register their attendance.

Track events and view a record of attendees

From the SimpleCPD web console, organisers can view a record of all upcoming and previously organised events.

After an event, organisers can view a record of all attendees who scanned in using the SimpleCPD event QR code. 

Workplaces or departments can choose to have multiple event organisers to manage their events in the web console.

Contact us to create an organiser account